Working and studying Childcare in the UK after Brexit

30th November 2021

Many people ask us about whether and how Brexit has affected what they’ll have to do to come to the UK to study for the NCFE CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Workforce / Early Years Educator qualifications that we offer. Of course, many people have good economic reasons to study childcare courses. UK qualifications make it much easier to find work in the UK’s childcare sector, and having a valid qualification can in turn make it easier to get a work-based visa later. Without valid childcare qualifications, UK employers may not even give your CV a second look. So, it’s not surprising that childcare courses to work in nursery settings are in high demand from all over the world, and especially the EU.

Has Brexit really changed the rules for you coming to the UK to study?

Brexit has made studying in the UK more difficult for many students in the EU and a few other countries. The first thing you need to think about is whether the UK leaving the EU has actually affected the process you will have to follow to study in the UK.

If you are an EU citizen seeking to enter the UK to study, you will be affected by Brexit, and you’ll have to follow the new rules as described below. The same is true for certain non-EU citizens, though. Students from Switzerland, Norway, Lichtenstein or Iceland once had the right to live, work and study in the UK by treaty without being EU members. Unfortunately, that is no longer the case.

If you are in this situation, there is the possibility that you could apply for the EU Settlement Scheme. The deadline for some people has already passed, but if you are from the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Lichtenstein or Iceland and you or a family member lived in the UK on or before the end of 2020, then you may still apply. Applications are also still open if you can show ‘reasonable grounds’ that you did not apply before the original June 30, 2021 deadline.

On the other hand, if you are a citizen of any non-EU country not specifically noted above, nothing has really changed for you due to Brexit. Nevertheless, you’ll have to get a student visa or find some other way to enter the UK and begin your studies. The procedure for that is described below.

Student visa alternatives

You can travel to the UK to study for a course that lasts 6 months or less without any kind of student visa. You must be studying at an accredited school or university, but the course itself does not need to lead to a degree or certification. There are a few childcare courses which fall into this category, but they may not result in the kind of qualifications you hope for.

You can also apply for a short-term study visa, but only if you are to study an English language course which lasts 11 months or less.

Getting a student visa to the UK

Anyone over the age of 16 can apply for a student visa to the UK, so long as they plan on attending a course at an institution who is licensed act as a student sponsor. In order to be granted that visa, though, you’ll have to show that you have enough money to both pay for the course and to support yourself during your studies. You’ll also have to show that you are fluent in English, both speech and writing. If you are below the age of 18, you’ll also need the consent of your parents or legal guardian.

If the course you are applying for is a ‘degree level’ course, you will be able to stay in the UK for up to 5 years. If the course is not considered ‘degree level’, such as some childcare courses to work in nursery roles and other childcare qualifications UK-bound students seem most interested in, you will be able to stay in the UK for up to 2 years.

Coming to the UK to earn your NCFE CACHE level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Workforce

International students are showing a great deal of interest in childcare online courses. UK schools and other educational providers are struggling to supply enough courses to meet demand, so you should be sure your qualifications are well in order. One of the childcare courses UK-bound students are most interested in at the moment is the NCFE CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Workforce. There is a great deal of interest in childcare courses UK-wide, and childcare courses to work in nursery roles are very popular among students hoping to study and work in the UK.

If you aspire to an NCFE CACHE level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Workforce, then its requirements must be met as well before you can apply for your student visa.

In order to qualify for classes that result in your NCFE CACHE level 3 Diploma, you must:

  • – Be age 16 or older
  • – Have at least six months of experience in a level 2 position, in which you spent at least 3 days and 10 hours per week planning, assessing and reviewing as well as interacting directly with children and making formal observations. This experience can be paid or voluntary.
  • – Have been assessed in your work with children for at least 350 hours, of which at least 25 hours must have been spent working with 0-23 month olds, 25 hours with 24-35 month olds (3 years, 100 months), and a further 25 hours spent with children form 3 years to 5 years old.

In the same way, you must show that you have the ability to do the work required for the program. This will include:

  • – Being practically able to devote 8 hours each week to study of the knowledge aspects of the NCFE CACHE level 3 programme.
  • – Havign the literacy and numeracy skills to complete the work at a suitable level of quality.
  • – Having core computer literacy skills, such as sending and receiving files attached to emails, producing written work on Microsoft Work and similar tasks.
  • – Havign access to an internet capable computer and the programme’s online portfolio system.
  • – Finally, you’ll have to be able to work in a setting which will allow a visiting tutor to assess your skills working with children. This will involve achieving certain tasks at the tutor’s direction.

LSCS is not currently licenced to offer places to foreign students requiring a student’s visa.

When applying for a student’s visa with a school, college, university or training centre, please make sure that the organisation has the required licence. You can find a list of licenced providers here.

Childcare Courses CTA

Do you still have questions?

If you have any questions about this article, our courses and training or any other general question please get in touch.
Two children playing in a ball pit