Jessima Cavaye

Jessima Cavaye

Midwife, hypnobirthing and antenatal teacher

About Jessima Cavaye

Jessima, a dedicated midwife with over 13 years of practical experience across various maternity settings in both the NHS and private sector, developed a heightened commitment to birth education following her own journey into motherhood. Drawing from her ‘lived experience’, she deeply appreciates the significance of being well-informed.

In addition to her midwifery qualifications, Jessima has undergone training in complementary therapies, antenatal education, hypnobirthing, counselling, and Brazelton assessment. Before entering midwifery, she managed a crèche and worked as a childminder.

Beyond her clinical work, Jessima has successfully organised and led weekly breastfeeding support sessions, participated in community clinics, and found joy in visiting new mothers in their homes.


BSc Midwifery
Kings College, London (2012)

Notable Achievements

  • Florence Nightingale award