Key Details

  • £75
  • 6 hours

Common Core Skills and Knowledge Level 2

This course covers the Common Core Skills and Knowledge for the childcare workforce, which is the required training for anyone wishing to register on the voluntary part of the Ofsted childcare register (vOCR). The Common Core Of Skills and Knowledge for Ofsted registration is a set of principles and values. It sets out what basic skills and knowledge are needed by people whose work brings them into regular contact with children, young people and families.

The common core training (£75) is for those childcarers and providers (nannies, childminders, after school leaders, tutors etc) who wish to be on the OFSTED voluntary register and is therefore aimed at 0-8years. Childminders would also be encouraged to attend and this would ensure they again are working to meet legislation requirements as carers of 0-8’s.

The way the Common Core is planned is to ensure all home carers meet a certain level of knowledge which is recognised by OFSTED.

Course Structure

  • Common Core Skills and Knowledge
  • Welcome
  • Overview
  • Contents
Module 1: Effective Communication and Engagement with Children and Young People
  • 1.1 Why is Communication Important
  • 1.2 Forms of Communication
  • Learning to negotiate in Play
  • 1.3 Communication Barriers
  • 1.4 EYFS Communication and Language
  • EYFS Communication and language interactions
  • 1.5 Effective Communication
  • 1.6 Recording Information
  • 1.7 Consulting and Negotiating
Module 2: Child and Young Persons Development
  • 2.0 Learning Outcomes
  • 2.1 Key Areas of Development
  • 2.1.1 Social and Emotional development – Emotions
  • 2.1.2 Social and Emotional development – Sense of self
  • 2.2 Development Stages from Birth to 12
  • 2.2.1 Developmental milestone grid
  • 2.3.1 Factors that may effect Child Development
  • 2.3.2 Factors that may effect Child Development
  • 2.3.3 Interpersonal Relationships
  • 2.3.4 Environmental Factors
  • 2.4 Supporting Children’s Learning and Development
  • 2.5 Behaviour Management
  • 2.6 Play
Module 3: Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of Children
  • 3.1 What is Safeguarding and Welfare
  • 3.2 The Importance of Safeguarding
  • 3.3.1 Types of Abuse
  • 3.3.2 Types of Abuse
  • 3.4.1 How to Respond to Safeguarding Issues
  • 3.4.2 How to Respond to Safeguarding Issues
Module 4: Supporting Transitions
  • 4.1 Different Types of Transitions
  • 4.2 How Transitions Affect Children, Young People and Families
  • 4.3 The Pedagogy of Transition in Early Years
  • 4.4 How to support children, young people and their families through transition
Module 5 Multi Agency Working
  • 5.1 What is multi-agency working and why was it introduced?
  • 5.2 Models and Principals of Multi Agency Working
  • 5.3 Why is Working with Multi-agencies important?
  • 5.4 Who is involved in multi-agency working?
  • 5.5 The Benefits of Multi-agency working
  • 5.6 The Challenges of Multi Agency Working
  • 5.7 Safeguarding and multi-agency working
  • 5.8 Tools used in multi agency working
Module 6 Sharing Information
  • 6.1 Why sharing information is important when working with children and young people
  • 6.2 Effective information sharing
  • 6.3 How and when to share information

Further Details

Most students complete the course within 4-6 hours; however, you don’t need to complete it all at once—you can take a break and return to it. You have three months to finish the course.
Online using our eLearning platform
This is an online course, giving you the flexibility to complete it in your won time from your device.
How will I be assessed?

Students are assessed at the end of the online training via a test

You will receive an e-certificate upon completion
Who is this suitable for?

The course is suitable for all childcarers including nannies, childminders, au pairs, maternity nurses and nursery staffing wishing to register on the voluntary part of the Ofsted Childcare Register. You must have a good level of English as the course is delivered in English.

The common core training is for those childcarer or nannies who wish to be on the OFSTED voluntary register and is therefore aimed at 0-8years. It is useful for those who work with over 8’s particularly in terms of multi agency working and child protection and so you may find those who run After School clubs for example are interested in attending. Childminders would also be encouraged to attend and this would ensure they again are working to meet legislation requirements as carers of 0-8’s.

The way the Common Core is planned is to ensure all home carers meet a certain level of knowledge which is recognised by OFSTED.

How to Register on the
Voluntary Ofsted Childcare Register

Help and Information on the process of being on Ofsted’s Voluntary Register.

Do you still have questions?

If you still have questions about this course, our training or any other general question please get in touch.
Two children playing in a ball pit