Key Details

  • Price: £11
  • Seminar Length: 1 hour

Addressing Aggressive Behaviour in Children: NVR Strategies and Practical Tools

A short expert seminar with Jeanette Janes, a chartered psychologist who specialises in working with parents facing a variety of challenges. From violence from their children to self-harm, school refusal/exclusion, ASD, ADHD, OCD, and PTSD, Jeanette is experienced in supporting parents in navigating the complex and often overwhelming world of mental health.

Jeanette is a proponent of the Non-Violent Resistance (NVR) Parenting approach, which emphasizes communication and relationship-building to address challenging behaviour. She also utilises a range of therapeutic interventions to help parents manage trauma and grief.

In this seminar, Jeanette will share her insights and expertise on addressing aggressive behaviour in children. She will provide attendees with understanding of why NVR strategies can support parents where typical parental strategies seems to fail, introduce the theory behind NVR and give some practical tools and strategies for addressing aggression, including effective communication techniques, behavioural interventions, and seeking professional help when necessary.

Do you still have questions?

If you still have questions about this course, our training or any other general question please get in touch.
Two children playing in a ball pit