Imagine kick-starting your career while getting paid to learn. As an apprentice, you’ll be employed by a childcare company, gaining real-world experience every day, all while working toward a valuable qualification that will set you off on the right path towards your career goals.
You’ll get to be hands-on in the workplace, and you’ll also have the support of The London School of Childcare Studies (LSCS) as your Apprenticeship Training Provider, along with guidance from your employer. When you complete your apprenticeship, you’ll have a nationally recognised qualification under your belt, ready to open doors to new opportunities.
Ready to start your apprenticeship journey?
Register your interest below by filling out the registration form.
Make sure you have an up-to-date CV and a cover letter that shares why you’re interested in a career in early years childcare.
Get ready for an interview to discuss your interests and goals from becoming an apprentice. We do both face-to-face and video/telephone interviews.
Search for jobs in the area you want to work in. You’ll find jobs listed on job websites, the National Apprenticeship Service website, and The London School of Childcare Studies also holds a database with current vacancies.
Secure an interview with a potential employer – make sure you’re prepared!
Once you have been offered and accepted a role, congratulations, you can now begin your apprenticeship!
Apprenticeship registration
Us this form if you want to be considered for an apprenticeship